Kodasema at Sicily Business Forum 🇮🇹


In early March, Kodasema among almost 30 companies from Estonia and Latvia, participated in the bilateral trade mission Sicily Business Forum which took place in Palermo, Italy.

The event was a multi-sector mission of Estonian and Latvian companies to Sicily, a joint effort a number of international parties including Foreign Ministries of Latvia and Estonia, Enterprise Europe Network and their partner Sicindustria, Embassy of Estonia in Italy, the Embassy of Latvia in Italy, the Consulate of Estonia in Sicily, Unioncamere Sicilia, MAIR Unipa (University of Palermo).

The Business Forum was aiming at presenting the Baltic countries and the business opportunities for Sicilian companies: local companies were introduced to the Estonian business environment and its unique digital ecosystem by Mr Priit Kallakas, Head of Diplomacy at the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Each of the companies participating had a set of B2B meetings arranged by Anne Mardiste, Counselor to the Estonian Embassy in Rome; Antonello Miranda, Estonian Honorary Consul in Sicily, Nino Salerno, Giada Platania, Francesco Bucaro and their respective teams. Kodasema had a dozen meetings with local property developers, hotel owners, manufacturers, trading companies, engineers, architects and diplomats, covering different sectors of potential strategic partners ranging from commercial to potential manufacturing and strategic partnership and investment co-operations. A special thanks from us at Kodasema to the entire crew that helped those meetings take place!

We learned that the Sicilian business climate is a good match for KODA houses in hotel and waterfront use.

For our Italian KODA fans: let’s keep fingers crossed that these meetings lead to quick partnerships in Sicily and the rest of Italy, bringing KODAs to our Italian customers in late Summer 2023.

Want to talk about using KODA houses for a development in Italy?

Get in touch via sales@kodasema.com: sì, parliamo italiano!