An ensemble of KODAs – a user story

We are happy to bring our readers a story about a Kodasema client who decided to purchase 3 KODAs and situate them in an ensemble near the Northwestern coast of Estonia. Mare, decided on KODA Loft, KODA Loft Extended and KODA Compact Luxury Sauna for her plot in the midst of a pine forest.

Connected by a custom made terrace nestled amongst the pines, her three-KODA accommodation serves as a good example of how flexibly KODAs can be arranged and how versatile they are to use for various needs.

Mare was so kind to answer a few questions that we feel might be also of interest to our potential future KODA buyers 🙂

Why did You choose KODAs?

The people who created KODAs are reliable and undeniably talented. The architecture, interior design, technical systems, construction quality and the management of the whole project were factors that made the decision easy. Not to mention the meaningful discussions with sympathetic people in actual KODAs, that played a role in the final decision.

What sets KODAs apart from other tiny houses?

Exceptional comfort and thoughtfulness of interior design. Also the choice of provided technological solutions that have been hand-picked for each and every KODA.

How would You characterize or describe a KODA customer?

A KODA buyer in my eyes is someone, who is aware of the need to reduce consumption and a lover of ultra-minimalist style.

What has been the biggest aha moment of Your KODA guests?

I have heard time and time again that KODAs are small on the outside, but big on the inside! How incredible it is, that everything you really need exists on such a limited square footage.

What has been the biggest surprise during the whole KODA purchasing process?

It is really amazing that from the purchasing decision to seeing the houses being craned in over the treetops took such a short time (March – September).

If someone would like to buy a KODA house or even several for themselves, what do you recommend starting with?

Just visit an existing KODA and experience what it actually feels like and how comfortable the house really is.

This KODA ensemble is a private residence and is not open for visitors.